Join Trade Directory

Do you provide services that could benefit one of our customers looking at building a SheShed flatpack cabin? We'd love to get your details for inclusion on our Tradie Directory! You can fill out the form below to submit your details, and you can see some terms of use at the bottom of this page.

Once we've confirmed from two separate customers that they enjoyed working with you, we'll add a "Bronze Verified" label on your listing in our directory. (5+ Happy customers will give a Silver badge, and 10+ will get a Gold badge with priority positioning in the directory.)

Bronze Verified Badge
Silver Verified Badge
Gold Verified Badge


You can fill out as much or as little information in the form below, but remember that this directory listing is to help your potential customers find and contact you, so the better information you can provide to help them will be better for you too!

Minimum Details Required:

  • Business name.
  • Contact details.
  • What services you provide.
  • What regions you work in.

Terms & Conditions:

  • The primary purpose of this directory is to provide helpful information for our SheShed customers: connecting them with useful, professional and kind businesses who are local to them and can help with their flatpack kitset project.
  • The secondary purpose of this directory is to provide a helpful and free marketing boost for local businesses that provide useful, professional and kind services which are complimentary to our own products.
  • Submitting your business details does not guarantee the right to be listed in our Trade Database, and we reserve the right to add, edit, or remove any listing in this directory at our sole discretion if we feel it is not providing the level of service for our customers that we think it should.

Do you have any questions?

We would love to help answer those for you!


SheShed Australia & New Zealand. All rights reserved.